Saturday 9 February 2008

Back on the Road Again

Unseasonably mild weather in York has meant that I have had no excuse not to train the last couple of days so I've been hitting the road.

Yesterday I had a gentle run of about 10 miles north of York on fairly flat roads and felt pretty good.

Today was a different matter! I decided to go for a longer run and did 20 miles up to Oswaldkirk near Helmsley. Its a lovely run up through the Howardian Hills with some really nice countryside.The only problem is that about six miles north of York the road starts to go upwards and stays like that for the next fifteeen miles. Thats when you discover how fit, or not, you really are. I didn't do too bad I suppose, I only got off one one hill and even then only for about 200 metres. There was also some glorious long descents where I could get my breath back and recupperate a bit. But it was a struggle and made me appreciate the enormity of what I'm trying to do. I eventually arrived in Oswaldkirk 95 minutes after setting off and was very relieved to see my support crew (aka my wife) there with the car to take me home.

Time for a rant now! I was really shocked by the amount of litter on the grass verges at the side of the road out in the countryside. I have to say that beer cans and discarded McDonalds drinks cartons were the main culprits. What I can't work out is how come you get discarded McDonalds cartons and wrappers in the middle of the countryside 14 miles from their nearest outlet. Do people drive out into the country just to throw them away? Better stop now before I become a grumpy old man.

1 comment:

Doorman-Priest said...

Yes Claudius, that's exactly what they do. Another reason to burn McDonalds down!