Thursday 24 July 2008

The hardest ride

Update from Mrs Claudius.........

Claudius phoned at 4.15pm our time to say he'd completed today's ride from Calais to Arras, 79 miles of the hilliest terrain he'd ever experienced. In his words "the hills go on forever, you can see them rolling on endlessly in front of you".

For much of the time Claudius was riding into a headwind which didn't help nor did the poor road surface on a number of the roads used today.

Claudius actually admitted to being totally wasted by lunch-time and didn't think he had anything left to give for the afternoon ride but just dug in and thankfully found enough reserve to make it to Arras unaided.

Another hot day in the saddle through idyllic scenery - fantastic countryside and pretty little villages. Claudius decided to ride for 5 miles and rest in the shade for 10mins - a good strategy given the heat and difficulty of the ride. He said the group were splattered across the hills, only about 20 of them are at Arras at the time of writing this, the remaining 50 odd will hopefully arrive later on. Clearly Claudius's training has paid off enabling him to complete his hardest day ever in the saddle.

Now he's off for a shower and to have some time for R&R before the evening meal.

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